How to engage your organization in the digital, ecological and social transition?
The digital, ecological and social transition is changing the habits of companies, citizens, consumers, employees, etc. in response, organizations must implement structural and organizational changes to integrate these new expectations.
Okay Doc supports organizations in their innovative approaches by integrating all dimensions of human and social sciences thanks to the wealth of our experts.
Social Science Consulting: why?
Humanities and social sciences can be applied in all areas of the business, from recruitment to marketing, including human resources, security, communication, training, strategy, geo-strategy, management, information systems, innovation…
Our Humanities and Social Sciences department aims to answer all the questions that organizations may ask themselves concerning the digital, ecological and social transition by clarifying your operational needs in the light of scientific studies and knowledge resulting from research in order to gain efficiency.

Our services and areas of activity
Communication and science popularization
• Search for speakers
• Prospective seminars
• Colloquium organization
• Training
• Creation and animation of thesis prizes
Consulting and strategy in innovation
• Auditing
• Analysis and data collection
• Strategy consulting
• Organizational advice
• Management consulting
• Organizational diagnosis
• Research Notes
• Scientific watch
• Regulatory analysis
• Impact study
• Change management
Scientific research and writing
• Documentary analysis
• Scientific article
• Writing of white papers
• Scientific report
• Popular Science
• State of the art
• Technology report
• Summary
Recruitment and talent scouts
• GDPR specialist
• Digital Lawyer
• Head of forecasting
• Marketing director
• Project manager in change management
• Digital project manager
• Social media manager
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Sign upSocial Science Consulting: our intervention examples
The following list of examples of intervention illustrates the possibilities offered by Okay Doc experts to support you in the Humanities and Social Sciences’ field.
Impact of new technologies on the world of work
How does hyper-connectivity question production structures and the relationships between managers and operational staff? The information flood, a technological mirage or a real asset? Workspace virtualization … can we win thanks to “remote work”? What are the benefits and precautions for using artificial intelligence? From the manager to the operational staff, everyone is impacted by new digital practices. To date, office spaces have hardly followed this change and are still not properly adapted. This lack of integration and ownership disrupts human relationships and working conditions. This is the reason why we suggest that we imagine together an alignment of digital practices, spaces and work organization.
Implementation of a marketing strategy
To stand out from the competition, a business must develop an effective marketing strategy. The digital transition is overturning known marketing practices, so it’s important to adapt to this change using new technological tools and the latest knowledge established by research. Launch a new offer, anticipate market developments, study consumer behavior … All these elements are part of a company’s marketing strategy on which our experts can assist you.
Through audit, studies, monitoring or strategic analysis missions, Okay Doc allows companies and institutions to anticipate problems and optimize their marketing strategy in a relevant way.
The future of work and organizations
Work organization is an important factor in optimizing productivity.
Some organizations are currently encountering difficulties in engaging their collaborators and partners because their models are no longer adapted to the expectations of new generations and new work practices.
The promotion of the collective, lifelong learning, the increased need for autonomy, the flexibility of the network economy … represent some of the new challenges that organizations must face.
To build new organizational models based on people, our experts will analyze for you the levers of tomorrow’s work organization through a report presenting the analysis of your organization and adapted solutions that take into account new work practices.
Management and Artificial Intelligence
How does artificial intelligence intervene in the profession of manager? What is artificial intelligence really capable of today? Is it already able to replace humans? Is it more efficient than human intelligence? How can humans and algorithms coexist? What interactions? What does research say in the field? Then, what diagnosis in companies? Are humans supplanted by AI in their core jobs? Where we are ? What are the advances, the advantages, but also the dangers, the fears? What ethical issues does the introduction of AI pose to human resources departments? What attitude to adopt?
AI and robotization transform work. They are vectors of opportunities … subject to putting them at the service of people and making responsible use of them. We offer you a collective intelligence exercise on the subject.
Digital transition: how to lead change?
70% of change management projects fail. To succeed in its digital transition, companies must rely on effective tools, the training of its managers and an organization adapted to changes, but they can do nothing if they do not mobilize the collective intelligence of their organization upstream. The objective is to reflect on the definition of new managerial practices to strengthen the motivation and involvement of employees and thus improve the performance of the organization organization.
The power of the employee experience to transform your organization
Working on the customer experience is essential. But what about the employee experience? Our researchers will guide your approach to build on and evolve the corporate culture.
Right to disconnect: what if we were talking about the right connection?
We experience the connection more than we choose. In the company, employees are constantly contacted by their colleagues via internal messaging, phone calls, SMS, but also by their friends on instant messaging and all kinds of alerts. However, the human brain is not made to process so much information and solicitations. This is a real problem for productivity, but also for health.
How a self-organized business works: what are the fundamentals ?
Does the freed business really exist? Build a “social business model” that plays on the trust and autonomy of its employees as the new engine of its organization. In support of case studies, our researchers will share with you the reasons for shared governance, the animation and the daily management tools that push for taking initiatives, the development of technological tools to promote cooperation.
This brain that governs us (And that we must understand)
What are the courses of action to permanently modify our behavior so that our brain re-becomes an ally in the company? A study of work organization practices informed by cognitive science to adapt its way of working to the functioning of our brain. This analysis will allow you to become aware of the cerebral mechanisms that govern our behavior and handicap us on a daily basis by making us make bad decisions regularly.
The contribution of neuroscience in a complex world
Adapting to a complex and uncertain world is one of the essential conditions for facing up to the new challenges of humanity. In response, neuroscience and behavioral sciences shed innovative light on our Adaptive Intelligence. A trip to the heart of the Brain reveals in a simple and pragmatic language a grid for reading our behaviors and how to foil our cognitive and emotional biases which generate stress and resistance to change.
Digital and environment: what new behaviors?
Beyond the multitude of ways that citizens have today to mobilize for the environment without relying on a preexisting organization, in what way does digital participate today in a transformation of ecological associations ? What if what we call the “commons”, in particular digital, could be the vectors of new mobilizations, mixing organizations and citizens engaged on environmental themes?
Management in the Generation Z and collaborative era
In the era of digital transformation, new management models are spreading across companies and even calling into question the pyramid structure of organizations and questioning the posture of manager. In an increasingly complex, uncertain and turbulent world, this study will provide you with the keys to integrate new innovative management practices. Using operational experience, we will model new practices for working more efficiently.
Taking advantage on the circular economy
The circular economy refers to an economic model whose objective is to produce goods and services in a sustainable manner, by limiting the consumption and waste of resources (raw materials, water, energy) as well as the production of waste. When waste is consumed, it can be reused in other production processes, creating a virtuous and eco-responsible circle. Our experts / researchers will support you in the implementation of a circular economic model capable of promoting the virtuous development of your organization.
Nudge: what benefits for my organization
How to know and mobilize behavioral biases to facilitate the taking of action? What immediate applications? Manipulation borrowed from the “old days” of technical marketing, or real innovation in the management of change? Our cognitive marketing researchers will shed light on the principles of action and the limits of nudge to passively orient our choices towards virtuous options.
Neuroscience at the service of corporate training
Cognitive neuroscience has been developing at a dazzling rate in recent decades, but its full development remains recent, in particular in the field of training and pedagogy. To improve the efficiency of the devices, it is essential to take into account the knowledge that is seen as a consensus in the scientific community.
Measuring emotions in the company
Thanks to this study, discover how measuring emotions and behavior using tools can be a tremendous lever for nurturing transformation and innovation strategies. Thus, knowing the levels of attention and emotional commitment during the journey, and associating these emotions with experiences makes it possible to better pilot companies’ innovation strategies.
Organizational biomimicry: for living organizations
Companies, associations or public structures are complex systems that appear like living organizations. Using the keys of biomimicry allows you to change your outlook on our organizations. Discover this approach to name the inconsistencies and identify new opportunities for the development of your organization.
Associate healthy working conditions and business performance
How to go beyond the vision of health at work traditionally associated with the notions of “psychosocial risks”? Many organizations, both public and private, have now taken into consideration of the challenges of healthy working conditions, not only from the perspective of controlling psychosocial risks – an already long-standing concern, but also from the perspective of its contribution to performance individual and collective. The idea is actually simple, a healthy person is potentially more engaged, more innovative, and more productive.
Waste, the challenge of ecological transition
Reflections on the future of our waste are intensifying. Their prevention and good management are a condition for the success of this transition and a complex challenge for public authorities and the companies in charge. Our experts will enlighten you on the actions to be taken to meet European and national objectives for the reduction and recovery of waste.
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